Our prayer is to be found doing the will of the Father in reaching and bringing the lost to the knowledge and saving love of God in Christ Jesus.
Our Mission
Our mission is to establish a healthy church through sound Bible teaching, prayer, purpose and loving people.
We see REMNANT APOSTOLIC PROPHETIC OUTREACH as a church of love, fellowship, worship, teaching and evangelism. Seeing committed, born again, baptized, faith sharing believers committed to winning souls for the Kingdom.
The Vision
Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
The Purpose of WIN
Galatians 1:10
Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant.
The purpose of the WIN is that REMNANT APOSTOLIC PROPHETIC OUTREACH experiences consistent Kingdom Progress. Progression not measured by just counting seats, but rather by doing what counts; choosing to please God not men.
Remnant Apostolic Prophetic Outreach
R emnant - Something left over, especially the righteous people of God after divine judgment. Several Hebrew words express the remnant idea, pelitah, “one who escapes”; sarid, “a survivor”; and sherat, “one loosed from bonds.”
•Gen. 6:5-8, 7:1-23 Noah and his family may be understood survivors, or a remnant
•Gen. 18:17-33, 19:1-29 Lot when Sodom was destroyed
•Gen. 45:7 Jacob’s family in Egypt
•1 King 19:17-18 Elijah and the 7,000 faithful followers of the Lord
Roman 9:25-33 Paul quoted from Hosea and from Isaiah to demonstrate that the saving of a remnant from
among the Jewish people was still part of the Lord’s
method of redeeming His people. There would always
be a future for anyone among the covenant people who
would truly turn to the Lord for salvation.
E xhortation - Argument or advice intended to incite hearers to action. The ability to exhort or encourage to action is a spiritual gift. As such is called for applying the truths of the scriptural text to life. Indeed, exhortation the goal of orderly worship.
Rom. 1:12 Elsewhere, mutual exhortation is the responsibility of
all Christians.
Messenger - One sent with a message
2 Chron. 36:15-16 In a extended sense, the prophets and priest are
termed messengers in their role as bearers of God’s
message for humanity
N ew Birth - Term referring to God’s impartation of spiritual life to sinners. The new birth is caused by the gracious and sovereign act of God apart from man’s cooperation. God brings the new birth about through the preaching of the word of God.
2Cor. 5:17 The result of the new birth is a changed life which
includes saving faith and repentance and obedience to
God’s law.
A gape Love - Unselfish, loyal and benevolent intention and commitment toward another. The concept of the love of God is deeply rooted in the Bible. Love finds no joy in wrongdoing and injustice but rejoices in the truth.
Col. 3:12 Paul uses the phrase “the bond of unity”.
N eil - Josh. 19-27 Name meaning “dwelling place of God”.
T estimony - 1 Cor. 6 The gospel of Christ
Ephesians 4:11
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers